tumescent meaning: 1. swollen or becoming swollen, especially because of sexual excitement: 2. swollen or becoming…. Learn.Chapter 23: Tumescent Formulations. No standard, official, or rigidly prescribed formulation exists for tumescent anesthetic solutions. Concentrations of the lidocaine and epinephrine should depend on the areas treated and the clinical situation.tu·mes·cent (tū-mes'ĕnt), Denoting tumescence. Synonym(s): turgescent tumescent (to͞o-mĕs′ənt, tyo͞o-) adj. 1. Somewhat tumid. 2. Becoming swollen; swelling. tu·mes·cent (tū-mes'ĕnt) Denoting tumescence. Synonym(s): turgescent. Patient discussion about tumescent Q. How can we avoid swelling in the legs? A. it really depends what the cause.Hoe om te zeggen tumescent Engels? Uitspraak van tumescent met 2 audio-uitspraak, 11 synoniemen, 7 vertalingen, en nog veel meer voor tumescent.In the event of a fire, the tumescent mass in the metal body expands at 150°C and closes off the cover opening. wedi.co.uk Fundo-afvoer met brandstop goedgekeurd als buisafschot van brandbestendigheidsklasse R120, R90, R60 en R30 bij inbouw in onderdelen van brandbestendigheidsklasse F120, F90, F60 en F30 conform DIN 4102-2.Dr Jeffrey Klein recommends using warm tumescent lidocaine anesthesia solution during a surgical procedure. Learn more at http://tumescent.org.Prijzen Liposuctie onder tumescente lokale anesthesie - Liposuctie onder tumescente lokale anesthesie - Prijslijst | Bergman Clinics.Tumescent liposuction involves the use of tumescent anesthetic and microcannulae. The small cannulae form tunnels in the subcutaneous tissue and allow for more effective and less traumatic fat removal than the large cannulae. Liposuction is the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure in the United States.tumescent (adj.) 1806, from Latin tumescentem (nominative tumescens), present participle of tumescere "to begin to swell, swell up," figuratively "grow excited, become enraged," inceptive of tumere "to swell" (from PIE root *teue-"to swell"), with inchoative suffix -escere.TUMESCENT local anesthesia (TLA) is a technique that provides anesthesia of large areas of skin and subcutaneous tissue by means of the direct infiltration of large volumes of a dilute local anesthetic solution into subcutaneous fat. The injection of such large volumes of fluid produces swelling and firmness (tumescence) of the surgical.Tumescent definition, swelling; slightly tumid.
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Engels - Nederlands vertaling van 'tumescent' Vertaling van tumescent. Inhoud: woordenboek | ; gerelateerd.Tumescent definition, swelling; slightly tumid. See more. Collins English Dictionary - Complete Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins.tumescent (comparative more tumescent, superlative most tumescent) Swollen or distended with fluid, as of erectile tissue. Inflated or overblown. 1982, Arlene Croce, Going to the dance (page.5 Aug 2020 tumescent definition: 1. swollen or becoming swollen, especially because of sexual excitement: 2. swollen or becoming…. Learn.The idea behind the gallery, which took place at The Book Club in Shoreditch, was to show images of penises in their relaxed states to show the variety of shape, size, colour, all the individual quirks which makes them all unique, and all valid. In a society steeped in free online porn, the ideas of what a penis should look like are dangerously out of whack – sexual dysfunction is massively.We hebben geen vertalingen voor tumescent in Engels NederlandsAnders gespeld: tumescence 84.21% probeer het met Google Tips bij de vertalingen: Wellicht vind je het woord op één van deze websites: Encyclo.nl (Betekenissen van Nederlandstalige woorden) Encyclo.co.uk (Betekenissen van Engelstalige woorden).Vertalingen in context van "tumescent" in Engels-Nederlands van Reverso Context: I woke this morning with a tumescent.Synonyms with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Find descriptive alternatives for tumescent.Wat betekent Tumescent? Hieronder vind je een betekenis van het woord Tumescent Je kunt ook zelf een definitie van Tumescent toevoegen. 1: 0 0. Tumescent. Vloeistof die gebruikt wordt om het overtollig vetcellen af te zuigen. Bron: plastischechirurgie.nl: Betekenis van Tumescent toevoegen. Aantal woorden.Engels - Engels vertaling van 'tumescent' Vertaling van tumescent. Inhoud: woordenboek | ; gerelateerd.Betekenis 'tumescent'. Je hebt gezocht op het woord: tumescent. tumescent, tumescente 1zwellend. Dit woord opzoeken in onze grootste woordenboeken.
tumescent definition: 1. swollen or becoming swollen, especially because of sexual excitement: 2. swollen or becoming…. Learn.Vertalingen tumescent NL FR We hebben geen vertalingen voor tumescent in Nederlands Fransprobeer het met Google Tips bij de vertalingen: Wellicht vind je het woord op één van deze websites: Encyclo.nl (Betekenissen van Nederlandstalige woorden) Encyclo.co.uk (Betekenissen van Engelstalige woorden).Heb je last van vetophopingen waardoor je je lichaam het liefst zoveel mogelijk wil verhullen? Liposuctie, oftewel liposculptuur, kan de oplossing.Tumescence is the quality or state of being tumescent or swollen. Tumescence usually refers to the normal engorgement with blood (vascular congestion) of the .Tumescent anesthesia is a surgical technique for delivery of local anesthesia. It also makes the target tissue firm and turgid from absorbed water, which can aid .Synonyms for tumescent in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for tumescent. 10 synonyms for tumescent: flatulent, inflated, overblown, tumid, turgid, windy, intumescent, puffy.tu·mes·cent (to͞o-mĕs′ənt, tyo͞o-) adj. 1. Somewhat tumid. 2. Becoming swollen; swelling. [Latin tumēscēns, tumēscent-, present participle of tumēscere, to begin to swell, inchoative of tumēre, to swell; see teuə- in Indo-European roots.] tumescent (tjuːˈmɛsənt) adj swollen or becoming swollen [C19: from Latin tumescere to begin.Tumescent anesthesia is a technique commonly used in cosmetic and dermatologic procedures. It involves subcutaneous infiltration of large volumes.FAQ: Tumescent Liposuction 1. What is the definition of the word tumescent? The word tumescent means swollen and firm. 2. What is the tumescent technique? The tumescent technique for local anesthesia involves the injection of large volumes of very dilute lidocaine (local anesthetic) and epinephrine (drug that shrinks capillaries) into subcutaneous."tumescent" Vertaald van Engels naar Duits inclusief synoniemen, uitleg en gerelateerde woorden.Effectiviteit tumescente liposuctie beoordelen. De huidige behandeling bij lipoedeem bestaat nu onder andere uit voorlichting/educatie over leefstijl, oefentherapie en compressietherapie.
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Tumescent Liposuction. The word “tumescent” means swollen and firm. By injecting a large volume of very dilute lidocaine (local anesthetic) and epinephrine (capillary constrictor) into subcutaneous fat, the targeted tissue becomes swollen and firm, or tumescent.P.A.F. van Veen en N. van der Sijs (1997), Etymologisch woordenboek: de herkomst van onze woorden, 2e druk, Van Dale Lexicografie, Utrecht/Antwerpen.Tumescent definition is - somewhat swollen. How to use tumescent in a sentence.tumescence: [ too-mes´ens ] 1. swelling 2. the condition of being swollen.Voor een goede werking moet er veel worden ingespoten, de huid moet bol staan (tumescent) en er moet lang genoeg gewacht worden (minimaal 10 minuten). Recept tumescente anaesthesie hidradenitis suppurativa 2 g/L: lidocaïne 1% (10 mg/ml) met 0.05% adrenaline: 100 ml (1000.Tumescent anesthesia is a surgical technique for delivery of local anesthesia.It also makes the target tissue firm and turgid from absorbed water, which can aid certain procedures. It was originally devised for use in liposuction, but has since been applied to other surgical situations, including plastic surgery, burn care, and vascular surgery.Vertalingen in context van "tumescent" in Nederlands-Engels van Reverso Context: Als we 'n Pulitzer gewonnen hadden, zou de eindredacteur tumescent.In de dagen na de ingreep kunnen een aantal blauwe plekken en zwellingen ontstaan. Een compressie kledingstuk moet in eerste instantie worden gedragen om u te helpen bij het verminderen van de zwelling en om de resterende tumescent oplossing te laten afvoeren. Ook de weefsellagen waar het vet uit verwijderd is kunnen zich zo beter herstellen.After tumescent infiltration of the area we remove the fat, witha finecanula, under carefully controlled vacuum. Na tumescente infiltratie van het gebied kunnen we vet verwijderen, met een microcanule, onder voorzichtig gecontroleerd vacuüm.Encyclo.nl, online sinds 2007, is een zoekmachine voor Nederlandstalige begrippen en definities. De website probeert alle woordenlijsten op het internet, groot en klein, samen te brengen om het zoeken naar woorden makkelijk te maken.TUMESCENT local anesthesia (TLA) is a technique that provides anesthesia of large areas of skin and subcutaneous tissue by means of the direct infiltration.
Tumescent lidocaine anesthesia (TLA) was developed 30 years ago to allow successful liposuction procedures totally using local anesthesia. In decades since, Jeffrey A. Klein, MD, has expanded his knowledge of TLA so that it could potentially be used for other surgical procedures and to deliver new treatments for painful conditions.Tumescent liposuction can significantly reduce some of the unpleasant side effects of other techniques. Because the anesthetic solution temporarily reduces the size of the capillaries, it can significantly reduce blood loss during surgery and the pain, bruising, and swelling that occurs afterward.Tumescent liposculpture is een techniek die gebrukt wordt bij liposuctie of liposculptuur. Het te behandelen gebied wordt ingespoten met een zoutwatervloeistof inclusief een verdovingsmiddel en adrenaline. De vloeistof zorgt ervoor dat de huid op spanning gebracht wordt waarna het vet makkelijker weggezogen kan worden.Tumescence definition is - the quality or state of being tumescent; especially : readiness for sexual activity marked especially by vascular congestion of the sex organs.Tumescent liposuction permanently removes fat through a safe outpatient procedure. Some results are immediate, however, recovery time is a bit longer for patients with lipedema. Because the fat is gone, liposuction with special precautions to spare lymphatic damage can significantly improve mobility issues, especially around the inner thigh and knees.Tumescent anesthesia provides a safe, easy-to-administer technique for use with AP. The technique of tumescent anesthesia involves infiltration of the subdermal compartment with generous volumes of a 0.1% solution of lidocaine with epinephrine. The anesthetic preparation is administered subdermally under pressure.intumescent, puffy, tumescent, tumid, turgid {bn.} pafferig opgeblazen. intumescent, .De tumescente vloeistof zorgt er voor dat de bloedvaten in het vet samentrekken en het vet wat stugger (tumescent betekent letterlijk ‘gezwollen’) wordt, waardoor het makkelijker is weg te zuigen. Hierdoor treedt er bij tumescente liposculptuur minder schade op dan bij 'klassieke' liposuctie.tumescent: 1 adj swollen or distended, especially by fluids or gas “ tumescent tissue” Synonyms: intumescent , puffy , tumid , turgid unhealthy not in or exhibiting good health.Tumescence is the quality or state of being tumescent or swollen. Tumescence usually refers to the normal engorgement with blood (vascular congestion) of the erectile tissues, marking sexual excitation, and possible readiness for sexual activity.The tumescent sexual organ in men is the penis and in women is the clitoris and other parts of the genitalia like the vestibular bulbs.Tumescent liposuction can safely remove fat from almost all parts of the body, including the face, neck, chin, breast, stomach, hips, flanks, back, inner and outer thighs, buttocks, knees, calves and ankles. It is used to remove lipomas, or benign fatty tumors, and to treat excessive underarm sweating and enlarged male and female breasts.